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Employee Management

Blog - Women In leadership

Women in leadership: Ignite your impact

By Employee Management, Leadership

Research has found that the global share of women in senior management roles is increasing incrementally, with 87% of global mid-market companies having at least one woman in a senior management role. However, it will still be 170 years until women achieve economic parity on a global scale, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report. To help continue the celebrations of International Women’s Day 2021, Capucine Loisance, a Senior Consultant and Occupational Psychologist at DDI, took centre stage in our popular HR Expert webinar series. In this episode, Capucine explored women’s everyday limiting habits taken from her…

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The true cost of failed hires

The true cost of failed hires

By Employee Management, Management, Recruitment

One of the biggest challenges that continue to haunt many organisations, is the prospect of finding a suitable employee with a driven attitude for success and energy that provides value to the business’ culture.  With this in mind, it will come as no surprise to learn that 46% of all new hires are deemed failures by the time they reach their 18-month milestone. Is this starting to ring any bells?  But even this statistic fails to put into words the impact a poor hire can have on an organisation. The Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) outlined that more than a…

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4 ways to optimise performance management

4 ways to optimise performance management

By Employee Management, Performance Management
In today's modern workplace, HR professionals are eager to enhance their performance management strategy to be the key driver for business’ success. After all, a strategy which incorporates the right elements can directly correlate with the productivity of the workforce and most importantly, the profitability of the organisation.  Despite these positive intentions, more than half of managers (58% to be exact) dislike their own company's performance management process and would give it a grade of C or less. Taking this into account, here are 4 ways to optimise your performance management strategy. Reshape traditional performance reviews Out with the old...
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Employee Lateness

Dealing with an employee who is always late

By Absence Management, Employee Management

We’re all late from time to time; it is part of life. From being delayed in traffic, broken down cars and even sleeping through an alarm, we’ve all been there! In a survey conducted by the Heathrow Express, employee lateness costs the UK economy around £9 billion a year. Traffic caused by road works (41%) was the leading cause of tardiness, closely followed by public transport delays (29%), unforeseen circumstances (25%), torrid weather (18%), sleeping through an alarm (14%) and leaving something behind (12%). But as an employer, punctual employees that are strong and passionate are critical to productivity as…

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Performance development review

What is the best structure for a Performance Development Review (PDR)?

By Employee Management, Personal Development

A Performance Development Review (or PDR for short) is not a new concept. In fact, many HR professionals are starting to discourage their organisations from implementing them, but they do still serve a purpose and are a long way off from becoming extinct. And rightly so, especially in growing businesses. A PDR will help your employees focus on the tasks that contribute towards the overall goal of the business and, they know exactly where they stand in terms of their expectations, performance and job security. PDRs will also provide line managers and HR teams with a paper trail of performance…

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