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Employee Management

What is leaveism and how can you combat it?

What is leaveism and how can you combat it?

By Employee Management, Employee Wellbeing, Human Resources

Coined by Dr Ian Hesketh in 2013 to describe the annual leave habits of employees, the term leaveism refers to workers taking annual leave to catch up on their workload or working outside of their contracted hours. Research by the CIPD found that 63% of UK leaders reported that leaveism had occurred in their business. As businesses become increasingly lean, the ‘always on’ culture lends itself to late night emails and employees never really getting the time to switch off away from work. While offices can be a breeding ground for distraction and interruptions, leaveism can be conducive to employees…

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How HR can drive innovation in your business

How HR can drive innovation in your business

By Employee Management, HR Software, Leadership

As famous sports coach Lou Holtz once said: “Nothing on earth is standing still – it’s either growing or dying”. This is entirely true in a business context too, where the rapid rate of change means your organisation is either moving forward with the times or falling behind with inevitable consequences. We live in the age of disruption, with countless examples of companies such as Netflix, Airbnb and Uber that have turned established industries on their heads. It’s why, in 2019, a culture of continuous innovation is just about the most important thing an organisation can create. Of course, every…

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5 ways HR technology can improve employee productivity

By Employee Management, HR Software, Technology

One of the key tasks facing any HR team is increasing employee productivity, as more productive employees translate into a healthier bottom line. With a productive workforce, you cut time-wasting, improve communication, boost engagement and raise happiness levels across your organisation – resulting in lower costs and higher profits. And there are now a host of tools out there that, when used properly, could result in higher employee productivity. Here are five ways technology can help you get the most out of your workforce: 1. Improve your reward programme Praising and rewarding staff has long been a mainstay of business…

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What Constitutes Bullying in the Workplace?

By Employee Management, Employee Relations

It is estimated that workplace bullying costs almost £18 billion a year in the UK. It’s morally wrong and in some cases illegal. It impacts lives as well as productivity. But what constitutes bullying in the workplace? Bullying and harassment are broadly dealt with by the same legislation in the UK: the Equality Act 2010. Broadly speaking, bullying and harassment are defined as certain behaviours and actions which cause someone to feel either intimidated or offended. They are umbrella terms which cover a wide range of behaviours such as spreading rumours, isolating someone, or making derogatory remarks. It can happen…

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What are appraisals and are they important for my business?

By Employee Management, Performance Management

Appraisals and the need for them are currently a hot topic in and around the business world.  Business leaders are questioning the importance of them. HR Managers are validating the need for them. But are appraisals a thing of the past or a necessary business process? Whether you are of the thinking appraisals are a process driven, a form-filling activity that takes away creativity and adds more administrative pressure to managers and HR managers, or you think a standardised appraisal system is key to company performance – the importance to get it right, whatever approach you take is fundamental to success. Even…

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