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Employee Management

managing a bad work ethic

How should you manage somebody within your workplace if they have a terrible work ethic?

By Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Management, Motivation, Natural HR

The elevator-pitch description of ethics in the workplace can refer to the way employees govern themselves and their work attitude, but it can also refer to the morality or lack thereof surrounding a workplace and can broadly be encompassed within the workplace culture of your business. Even in 2020, it doesn’t matter whether you work from home or commute to work every day or employ a hybrid working model; a positive work ethic is required to build a successful career for your staff as well as producing a positive workplace culture within your business For HR teams, dealing with poor…

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Conflict in the workplace: How should companies speak to an employee about improving their attitude?

Conflict in the workplace: How should companies speak to an employee about improving their attitude?

By Employee Management, Employee Relations, Management

Employees who are displaying a poor attitude in your workplace can affect your company’s culture more than you might think. A negative attitude can have a far bigger effect on a team than you may think of at first. The truth is, most managers do not enjoy tackling personnel issues, like a worker’s attitude, because people don’t like conflict in the workplace, as with most other places. But fear not, in this article, we’re going to discuss how you can identify and address such issues in the workplace so that you can handle the situation tactfully: Looking for answers –…

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workplace culture then and now

Workplace Culture then and now: 7 ways that it has changed since 2011

By Culture, Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Human Resources, Natural HR, News, Personal Development, Software

Since 2011 the world has experienced a lot of changes, and the UK was no different. We’ve had three prime ministers, a Brexit Referendum and a national debate on naming an Ice research vessel, to name just three examples, but there have also been massive changes in the UK’s workplace culture. In this article, we’ll be looking at seven ways the UK’s workplace culture has changed since 2011. While some of these changes result from technology development, others have come about because of shifting perspectives and expectations in the workforce. Even more, have come as the result of the introduction…

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PsychHR on how HR can incorporate nature into your wellbeing and the workplace blog

Founder of PsycHR, Helen Pericleous on how HR can incorporate nature into your wellbeing and the workplace

By Employee Management, Employee Wellbeing, Human Resources, Mental Health

Our relationship with nature – how much we notice, think about and appreciate our natural surroundings – is a critical factor in supporting good mental health and preventing distress. The topic has been at the forefront of everything to do with wellbeing recently, with nature being the theme for this year’s mental health awareness week. To better understand how the wilderness can enhance our emotions, we got in touch with the Founder of PsycHR, Helen Pericleous. Helen kindly sat down with us to discuss three of her top strategies on how nature can be incorporated into your own wellbeing and…

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Director of EPIC HR LTD, Gary Cookson opens up about his own mental health experiences

Director of EPIC HR LTD, Gary Cookson on the power of sharing mental health experiences and how HR can step up to the challenge

By Employee Management, Human Resources, Mental Health

Although mental health awareness week has passed, if there’s one thing we’ve learnt, it’s how essential it is to have conversations about our own mental health and the things in our daily lives that can affect our emotions instantly.   In conjunction with our #ChooseHappy campaign, Director of EPIC HR LTD, Gary Cookson, was brave enough to open up about his own mental health experiences, the steps to achieving better wellbeing and the need for HR to speak up about mental health.   The people profession especially takes a back seat when it comes to addressing their own wellbeing, ensuring their employees…

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