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Employee Management

4 day workweek

The four-day workweek: what do HR and business leaders really think?

By Employee Management, HR News, Natural HR

Amid increasing levels of employee stress and burnout, some businesses in the UK are considering what might have been unthinkable to many a few years ago: reducing the working week to four days. Undoubtedly, it is a controversial idea – but is it a good one? Or are there better ways to promote employee productivity and wellbeing? 30 companies across the UK are currently taking part in a six-month trial of the four-day work week, with employees being paid the same amount as if they were working for their usual five days. The pilot scheme is organised by researchers at…

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Aligning People & Business Strategy with Talent | Natural HR

Aligning people and business strategy with a holistic view of talent

By Employee Management, Employee Retention, Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, HR Software, Motivation, Natural HR, Software, Webinar

HR leaders are drawn to the prospect of creating a high-performing workforce but often overlook the key ingredients. In fact, companies that align talent with business strategy outperform others by 16%, retain 30% more top performers, and see 34% higher employee performance. The last 18 months have posed major challenges that saw business and talent strategies put to a rigorous test. As a result, there is a renewed urgency for HR leaders to realign their talent strategy to the wider business goals to factor in changing business dynamics. This is why we invited, James Moore, a director at Morgan Phillips…

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tips to reduce employee turnover

91% of HR leaders are concerned about employee turnover. Here are 8 tips to reduce it in your business

By Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Employee Relations, Employee Retention, HR Software, Natural HR

According to a new survey that Gartner has published, nine out of every ten (90%) HR leaders report that employee turnover is a significant concern they’re facing. With figures like that, it’s not surprising that employee retention is always a primary focus for HR teams and business leaders. Here are three critical facts about employee turnover in the United Kingdom in 2021: – 46% of UK workers say their companies training opportunities make them more inclined to stay in their current job. – 87% of Millennials, those born between 1996 and 2005, say that accessing professional development opportunities is crucial…

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using your HR platform to keep your employees engaged blog

How can you leverage your HR platform to keep your employees engaged with your company?

By Employee Management, Performance Management

What do we mean by employee engagement? By definition, it relates to the level of an employee’s commitment and connection to the organisation they work for, and in recent years, employee engagement has emerged as a critical driver of business. Research has shown that: The employee engagement rate in the UK is 50%. Employees are 17% more engaged if they can participate in a regular feedback programme. Companies that effectively turn feedback into action have an 80% employee engagement rate. 50% of workers agree that managers helping with career development drive employee engagement. 55% of workers agree that recognition for…

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what features make an HR platform stand out to employees looking to support remote work

What features make an HR platform stand out for employees looking to support remote working?

By Employee Management, Natural HR, Optimizing, Software

As the continued impacts of COVID-19 are felt across businesses, HR leaders are facing a need to rethink the nearly 15 million-strong workforce that moved to a new remote working model. This includes reconsidering employee planning, management, performance and experience strategies through their HR platforms for the continued future of how people work in the UK. At this point, it’s worth reviewing your HR system to make sure that you can support dispersed teams while keeping productivity and motivation levels high throughout your company. The post-pandemic lockdown world has created a massive shift to large scale remote work, whether businesses…

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