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Employee Management

Is it too hot to work? A HR Guide to Working Temperatures & the Law

By Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Employment Law, Health, Health and Safety

It’s hot, summer is finally here and the burning question on everyone’s lips is “Is it too hot to work?” Whether you work in an air-conditioned office, a school, a factory or even outdoors as the temperature rises, so do levels of irritability with everyone thinking the same “Is it too hot to work?” In the UK, according to ” indoor workplace temperatures must be reasonable” but from an HR Manager’s perspective, that’s not clear. Can employees go home if it’s too hot or not? The answer is complicated because legally there is no law for maximum working temperatures….

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Losing staff? Here’s 8 ways to retain your best people

By Employee Management

Losing Staff? Here’s How to Retain Employees Recruiting new staff is a long, expensive process, which is why whenever you lose a member of the team, the repercussions are felt far and wide. Worse still, if you go through a spate of resignations, the overall morale among those left may take a serious hit, threatening productivity and potentially turning the swift exit of a few into a mass exodus. To build a strong, healthy business that is capable of growth and constant improvement, you need to retain staff. In particular, the top talent you’ve spent years nurturing or significant recruitment…

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How to deal will employees who complain about pay

By Employee Management

Ask any manager which task fills them with the most dread, and it’s likely to be that of addressing an employees’ complaints about their pay. The reason is simple. Salary is an incredibly emotive topic in the workplace, and as soon as someone thinks they’re being underpaid, they’re likely to make a beeline for their manager. If that manager happens to be you, knowing how to deal with such encounters will ensure the issue doesn’t become any more significant than it needs to be. Word spreads quickly in businesses, therefore it’s important that you address instances of employee disgruntlement related…

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How to break down divides between departments and eradicate silos in the workplace

By Employee Management, Employee Relations

A business is a team. No matter how large or small the organisation, in order for it to be productive, profitable and capable of providing customers with the best possible experience, every single individual and department needs to work as one. It’s much like a football team. If one player isn’t pulling their weight, or if the defenders have lost all respect for the attacking line, they’ll never win another game and will, eventually, sink without trace. The thought of ‘tribes’ and silos existing within the four walls of a business is unpalatable for any business owner or HR team….

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Back to basics: how to communicate brilliantly as a manager

By Employee Management, Leadership

The art of being a great manager (and it really is an art) is akin to that of a brilliant actor. If you’ve ever occupied a position of authority in a business, you’ll know exactly what we’re referring to. Every time you enter the office, you’re expected to put on a performance – it’s highly unlikely that you’re the same person in front of your team as you are in front of your spouse or kids. This doesn’t mean that managers are robotic or disingenuous, either. Asserting authority and keeping both staff and projects in line is incredibly challenging and…

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