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Employee Management

Dealing with an employee with a negative attitude

By Employee Management

It is not uncommon for a workplace to have one or two employees that are known for their negative attitude towards their jobs. Unfortunately, the negative attitude exuding from just a couple of members of staff can have a negative impact upon the entire workforce and even the success of the business. Given enough time, this kind of attitude could cause irreparable damage, resulting in other members of staff leaving the company, as well as customers choosing to take their business elsewhere. For this reason, it is a good idea to address any concerns over an employee with a negative…

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How to help an employee suffering from a bereavement

By Employee Management, Employee Wellbeing

Suffering from bereavement is a difficult time in anyone’s life, especially if the person you have lost is a close friend or relative and someone you love dearly. Dealing with grief can impact upon someone physically, emotionally and even psychologically, leaving long-lasting scars that might impact upon the individual and their ability to do their job. Though dealing with bereavement in the workplace can be difficult to manage, it is important that you do manage it and that you provide your employee with the level of support they need to get through this difficult time. This doesn’t just mean providing…

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