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Natural HR

Director of EPIC HR LTD, Gary Cookson opens up about his own mental health experiences

Director of EPIC HR LTD, Gary Cookson on the power of sharing mental health experiences and how HR can step up to the challenge

By Employee Management, Human Resources, Mental Health

Although mental health awareness week has passed, if there’s one thing we’ve learnt, it’s how essential it is to have conversations about our own mental health and the things in our daily lives that can affect our emotions instantly.   In conjunction with our #ChooseHappy campaign, Director of EPIC HR LTD, Gary Cookson, was brave enough to open up about his own mental health experiences, the steps to achieving better wellbeing and the need for HR to speak up about mental health.   The people profession especially takes a back seat when it comes to addressing their own wellbeing, ensuring their employees…

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diversity in the workplace

Diversity in the Workplace: What is It & Why is It Important?

By Diversity and Inclusion, Employee Engagement, Employee Wellbeing

Last updated 06/09/21 Diversity in the workplace is a common conversation point for business leaders, HR teams and hiring managers. And yet, diversity and inclusion in a workplace shouldn’t just be a box-ticking exercise when hiring, but a vehicle that allows businesses to welcome a wider range of people, from diverse backgrounds to bring value to a business. Having a diverse workforce lends itself to new ideas, new experiences and a significant learning opportunity for your people. These different ideas and perspectives can lead to better problem-solving and ultimately, a more productive and profitable workforce. Research has found that 43%…

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Mental Health Resources

10 of the best free mental health resources to share with your employees

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, Mental Health, Team

This Mental Health Awareness Week has a different feel to past years. For the most part, many of us are still in some form of lockdown, though the light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel is drawing ever nearer. The theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is nature, promoting the positive impact that nature can have on our mental health. As employers, the way in which we approach employee mental health and wellbeing has been turned on its head. What your employees need from your health and wellbeing initiatives may well have changed too. Access to services…

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mental health first aider

What is a mental health first aider and do you need one?

By Health and Wellbeing, Mental Health, Team

The World Health Organisation defines mental health as a “state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”. One in four people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. The extra challenges and novel situations that the coronavirus pandemic has created have, for some, caused significant deterioration in mental health. A study by the mental health charity, Mind, found that more than half of adults…

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hr data integrity

How to maintain HR data integrity at home

By HR Software, Management, Security, Technology

As a department, HR holds probably the most sensitive data in your entire organisation. From contact details to National Insurance numbers, bank details and dates of birth; failing to keep this data under lock and key can land you in hot water with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) and a fine of up to €20 million under the rules of the GDPR. With so many of us still working from home – with many more still transitioning to a 100% remote model – maintaining the integrity of HR data has become challenging. HR leaders must ensure the data they collect…

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