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Natural HR

workplace culture then and now

Workplace Culture then and now: 7 ways that it has changed since 2011

By Culture, Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Human Resources, Natural HR, News, Personal Development, Software

Since 2011 the world has experienced a lot of changes, and the UK was no different. We’ve had three prime ministers, a Brexit Referendum and a national debate on naming an Ice research vessel, to name just three examples, but there have also been massive changes in the UK’s workplace culture. In this article, we’ll be looking at seven ways the UK’s workplace culture has changed since 2011. While some of these changes result from technology development, others have come about because of shifting perspectives and expectations in the workforce. Even more, have come as the result of the introduction…

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payroll infographic

Payroll by numbers: 11 eye-opening stats you need to know

By Natural HR, Payroll

From paying your employees to managing salary budgets, payroll departments have the business critical responsibility of making sure your workforce is  paid on time and free from errors. In this infographic, we’ve gathered 11 stats that demonstrate some of the trends facing payroll teams, the most significant challenges and the impact payroll software can have in teams. (View the infographic in full-screen)

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People data

How to use your people data to improve employee retention

By Analytics, Employee Retention

Employee turnover is part of being an employer. Starting a job straight after school or university and staying there until retirement is no longer commonplace. Nowadays, people move between roles much more often than they did in the past. Research by insurance firm LV= found that a UK worker will typically change employer every five years. What’s more, the Society for Human Resource Management estimates that it costs an average of 6 – 9 months of your former employee’s salary to find and onboard their replacement. Your ability to retain employees is an important factor in your success – and…

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hcm software

What is Human Capital Management (HCM) software?

By HR Software

Human Capital Management (HCM) software is technology designed to help employers to manage, recruit and develop a workforce to become their most productive and engaged selves. HCM software will usually include modules such as a core HR database to store employee data, recruitment, people management, self-service, performance, analytics and much more. Why is HCM software important? At its simplest form, human capital management is about putting people first as employers are starting to realise that their employees are their most important asset. Research by Gallup suggests that highly engaged teams show 21% greater profitability for companies, so keeping them engaged…

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Levelling up your D&I: how tech can help

By Diversity and Inclusion, HR Software

HR industry analyst, Josh Bersin states that “companies that embrace diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their business statistically outperform their peers.” Clearly, diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives are not just a feel-good, box-checking exercise for HR departments; but they have a marked impact on financial and business success. To put good D&I in perspective, a study by the World Bank found that gender-based pay parity could potentially see the world economy grow by a staggering £120 trillion. And those with senior management teams that are gender diverse are 21% more likely to report financial performance that is above…

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