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Blog - Women In leadership

Women in leadership: Ignite your impact

By Employee Management, Leadership

Research has found that the global share of women in senior management roles is increasing incrementally, with 87% of global mid-market companies having at least one woman in a senior management role. However, it will still be 170 years until women achieve economic parity on a global scale, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report. To help continue the celebrations of International Women’s Day 2021, Capucine Loisance, a Senior Consultant and Occupational Psychologist at DDI, took centre stage in our popular HR Expert webinar series. In this episode, Capucine explored women’s everyday limiting habits taken from her…

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10 reasons why the world needs more women in leadership roles

10 reasons why the world needs more women in leadership roles

By Leadership

In recent decades, there have been calls for greater gender equality while enhancing the need to close the gender wage gap. Although tremendous strides have been made in this aspect, there is still a fundamental lack of women in leadership roles. If you take a look at the Fortune 500 list in America, you’ll see that 15% of the CEOs are women. The companies that boast a higher representation of women on their boards outperform the organisations that don’t by a notable degree.  This is further supported by studies that have outlined that have also outlined that companies with greater…

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Superscript employee engagement

How Superscript is keeping employees connected: an interview with their people team

By COVID-19, Employee Engagement, Employee Wellbeing

As we come to the end of another week working from home, there is an air of cautious optimism spreading throughout the country. Provisional dates for the reopening of entire sectors have been marked on calendars as we tentatively make plans for the return of some normality. And yet, as we pine for the return of life as we knew it; millions of us are still working from our living rooms, and for some, it is still novel. For those that are new to the world of remote work, those that have started jobs in lockdown or even for the…

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Mental health working from home

Protecting employee mental health at home: 6 tips from the experts

By COVID-19, Mental Health

Nearly a year since the Prime Minister advised the public to work from home where possible, and in an effort to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, many of us are still 100% remote. Despite 15 million employees still working from home, it is safe to say for many; it hasn’t gotten any easier. These prolonged periods of isolation, social distancing and lockdown have devastated industries and livelihoods – and our mental health is suffering because of it. The usual methods we enlist to protect our mental health such as exercise, taking yoga classes, seeing friends and family are unavailable…

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remote work experts top tips blog

16 remote work experts share their top tips for working from home

By COVID-19, Health and Wellbeing, Human Resources

Nearly 15 million of us continue to work from home in the UK as the country weathers the storm that is COVID-19. After almost a year of remote work, it is likely that this is still a very novel way of working for some employees. Whether by default or design, flexible working was not as commonplace in a pre-COVID world as it is in 2021 and adapting to this new normal can take time. The surge in flexible working has led many organisations to reconsider their flexible working policies entirely. The likes of Shopify, Salesforce and Slack have all implemented…

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