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Natural HR

Why mental health must be on your HR agenda 2021

Why mental health must be on your HR agenda in 2021

By Employee Wellbeing, Mental Health

According to the Mental Health Foundation, more than eight in ten (82%) of UK adults have experienced stress because of COVID-19. A further 42% of employees wish to experience less anxiety at work during 2021. Although the world has unashamedly drawn the curtain on 2020, there is no denying the year was full of mental health worries, isolation and loneliness. To combat this, HR leaders will need to integrate new ways of promoting and supporting good mental health in the workplace while eliminating the challenges caused over the past year. But with the mental health landscape changing enormously in recent…

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employee burnout in law firms

What is employee burnout and how can you prevent it in your law firm?

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, Mental Health

The legal profession is one synonymous with high-intensity, stressful and often emotionally charged situations. The industry’s leading mental health and wellbeing charity, LawCare revealed that the most common reason for calls to their helpline is often stress and a feeling of being burned out. And yet, the driven, perfectionist nature of our legal professionals often means that reaching out for help or support when experiencing the signs of stress or burnout is overlooked amid fears of appearing ‘weak’. As they strive to remain in control of high-pressure situations; legal professionals are among the most prone to stress and often, burnout….

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How HR can stay resilient in challenging times

How HR can stay resilient in challenging times

By COVID-19, Leadership, Motivation

The Health Foundation found that more than two-thirds of adults in the UK (69%) reported feeling somewhat or very worried about the effect COVID-19 is having on their life. The most common issues affecting wellbeing are worrying about the future (63%), feeling stressed or anxious (56%) and feeling isolated (49%). Balancing organisational aims while finding ways of staying resilient and resourceful seems an essential capability for HR professionals in the 21st century. This has been amplified more recently when businesses look to HR leaders for concrete answers in an uncertain environment and your sense of control can feel tenuous. That’s why…

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HR KPIs: what are they and which ones should you be tracking?

By Analytics, HR Software

Most departments within a business have Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. These are indicators of long-term performance and demonstrate how effectively a specific department is achieving its objectives. They may be at a team or individual level, but they are often used to help decision making, identify any areas for improvement and provide a platform to measure successes. HR KPIs typically include trackable metrics that measure processes related to recruitment, training, talent management and employee satisfaction. A KPI is only useful if it has a direct link with your overarching business strategy. Importantly, you should only be tracking the KPIs…

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Managing employer branding throughout COVID-19

How to manage your employer brand throughout COVID-19

By COVID-19, Employer Branding

It’s been said a million and one times recently, but we’re currently living in unprecedented times and to make this matter worse, none of us have magic powers or a crystal ball to predict what’s going to happen over the next 12 to 18 months.  But it’s fair to say; most organisations are probably going to be hiring less due to a business downturn or general logistical complications, along with the ongoing pandemic and recession. So, it’s no wonder why so many companies are prioritising their employer brand to ensure they’re maintaining a positive perception during COVID-19, with 84% of…

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