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Natural HR

HR software UI and UX

Choosing the best HR software: why user interface and user experience matters

By HR Software, Natural HR

For many considering purchasing HR software, the shortlist of requirements is usually very feature heavy. The need for employee self-service, recruitment, analytics and workflows usually tops the list for most in the market for HR software; but often, a good User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) can be overlooked. What is UI and UX? For those of us in the tech world, UI and UX are two terms often bandied about. We bemoan the poor UI of a website and praise software products with great UI; but to those less au fait with the two terms, these statements can…

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Innovative wellbeing strategies

8 innovative wellbeing strategies for the future of work

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, Natural HR
The last 18 months have completely flipped everything we knew about the future of work on its head. Entire businesses moved to remote work, some were forced to close for prolonged periods of time and others were totally devastated. As the nation tentatively nears the return of some semblance of normality and business look to steady the ship; many have improved or entirely redeveloped their wellbeing strategies to accommodate changing employee needs. The future of work looks increasingly more hybridised, and employers are having to adjust entire strategies to account for this. In this article, you’ll find insights from 8...
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what does employee wellbeing look like in 2021

Ask an expert: what does employee wellbeing look like in 2021?

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing

Ensuring employee wellbeing is front and centre for many HR leaders this year. After the life-changing year that was 2020, wellbeing initiatives have come under more scrutiny than ever before. Companies were, and continue to be, measured by how they prioritised the needs of their people. And yet, by the end of April 2020, over 20 million Americans had been fired and one-third of all UK under 25-year-olds had lost their jobs as businesses across the globe knee-jerked in response to COVID restrictions and national lockdowns. As HR professionals became the first port of call for concerned employees about the…

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workplace inclusion

What makes a workplace inclusive?

By Diversity and Inclusion

For companies looking to attract and retain top talent, a diverse and inclusive workplace is vital. In fact, HR industry analyst, Josh Bersin states that “companies that embrace diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their business statistically outperform their peers.” Clearly, diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives are not just a feel-good, box-checking exercise for HR departments; but they have a marked impact on financial and business success. Despite D&I soaring up the priority list in recent years for HR leaders, research has found that 75% of employees believe that more can be done. What is the difference between diversity…

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PsychHR on how HR can incorporate nature into your wellbeing and the workplace blog

Founder of PsycHR, Helen Pericleous on how HR can incorporate nature into your wellbeing and the workplace

By Employee Management, Employee Wellbeing, Human Resources, Mental Health

Our relationship with nature – how much we notice, think about and appreciate our natural surroundings – is a critical factor in supporting good mental health and preventing distress. The topic has been at the forefront of everything to do with wellbeing recently, with nature being the theme for this year’s mental health awareness week. To better understand how the wilderness can enhance our emotions, we got in touch with the Founder of PsycHR, Helen Pericleous. Helen kindly sat down with us to discuss three of her top strategies on how nature can be incorporated into your own wellbeing and…

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