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Natural HR

managing a bad work ethic

How should you manage somebody within your workplace if they have a terrible work ethic?

By Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Management, Motivation, Natural HR

The elevator-pitch description of ethics in the workplace can refer to the way employees govern themselves and their work attitude, but it can also refer to the morality or lack thereof surrounding a workplace and can broadly be encompassed within the workplace culture of your business. Even in 2020, it doesn’t matter whether you work from home or commute to work every day or employ a hybrid working model; a positive work ethic is required to build a successful career for your staff as well as producing a positive workplace culture within your business For HR teams, dealing with poor…

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Conflict in the workplace: How should companies speak to an employee about improving their attitude?

Conflict in the workplace: How should companies speak to an employee about improving their attitude?

By Employee Management, Employee Relations, Management

Employees who are displaying a poor attitude in your workplace can affect your company’s culture more than you might think. A negative attitude can have a far bigger effect on a team than you may think of at first. The truth is, most managers do not enjoy tackling personnel issues, like a worker’s attitude, because people don’t like conflict in the workplace, as with most other places. But fear not, in this article, we’re going to discuss how you can identify and address such issues in the workplace so that you can handle the situation tactfully: Looking for answers –…

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international week of happiness

International Week of Happiness at Work 2021: 10 things you can do in your office

By Leadership, Management, Motivation, Natural HR, News

Today, September 23rd, marks the start of the International Week of Happiness at work. Here at Natural HR, we know that employee happiness and well-being are integral to any business’s success. It may seem like employee happiness is something that benefits only the employees. However, many companies can benefit greatly from having happy employees. The range of benefits ranging from reduced turnover to increased productivity. In this article, we’re going to look at some ideas of how you can boost employees’ happiness in your business – from offering tips on everything from how to create a welcoming and creative work…

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guide on how to calculate absence rate

Your complete guide on how to calculate the absence rate of your staff

By Absence Management, Analytics, HR News

For HR teams, calculating your team’s absence rates can be an effective tool to help manage your workforce, identify any potential issues and ensure that you can easily manage your team. In this article, we will look at one of the most popular methods to calculate the absence rate, the Bradford factor, so that you can implement it in your workplace. How to calculate sickness absence percentages To measure the amount of time lost to sickness, absence or absenteeism within your business, you can use the Bradford Factor formula. The Bradford Factor uses the following formula: B = S x S…

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preventing payroll fraud

The 3 most common types of Employee Payroll Fraud: How can you prevent them?

By Finance, Natural HR, News, Payroll

Employee payroll fraud is one of the most common types of workplace fraud you can encounter and will generally be committed by an employee attempting to receive any money they are not entitled to. If you were looking to define it, you would say that it’s the theft of funds from a business via its payroll processing system. In 2021 any type of fraud – but especially payroll fraud – can be costly to your business, with payroll fraud costing UK companies around £12 billion per year! This article will answer two questions. Firstly, what are the three most common…

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