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Natural HR

Employees measuring the success of their HR software project

Measuring the success of your HR software project

By HR Software

The theoretical benefits of HR software, such as greater automation, centralised reporting and significantly reduced administration, are widely known. But, any investment you make into HR software should come with a commitment to measuring real, tangible outcomes – that is, if you want to ensure your HR software project is seen as a success. When thinking about measurement, you also need to think beyond the HR department. For example, how will the benefits translate specifically to your business? How will the software impact, not just the efficiency of your HR department, but also contribute to the performance of the organisation…

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Employee realising her HR department is overwhelmed

7 signs your HR department is overwhelmed

By Human Resources

With a key part to play in employee engagement, experience and welfare, your HR department may well be attuned to spotting signs of stress or discontent among the workforce – but what if those signals come from inside your own department? HR roles carry a notorious administrative burden, and it’s not uncommon for the strain of an overwhelming workload to damage the morale, productivity or even the mental wellbeing of your team. Yet struggling HR staff might be the last people in your business to put their hands up and call for help. After all, they’re the ones meant to…

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Employee using her laptop to measure her HR service

How efficient is your HR service delivery? These 5 measures will tell you…

By Human Resources

In most areas of business these days, results are everything. As long as processes are proven to be effective and yield the right outcomes, everything in the garden is rosy. Yet while efficiency and effectiveness are inextricably linked, it doesn’t always follow that an effective HR department is an efficient one. It’s highly likely that you’re already monitoring the effectiveness of your HR and recruitment teams, most probably in terms of KPIs like ‘cost per hire’ and ‘employee churn’. But it’s also vital to put some measures in place to help you track the efficiency of your HR service delivery…

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Assets placed on table for HR & Finance to boost company's financial success

How Human Resources can boost a company’s financial success

By Business, HR Software, Human Resources

Nothing is accomplished in an organisation without people. And the hub of all things people-related is the HR department, which drives activities – such as hiring, onboarding, leadership development and career improvement – that all have a big effect on the success of an organisation. Therefore, both directly and indirectly, HR influences almost every aspect of a company’s financial performance and can have an impact that is overwhelmingly positive and profitable. Yet it can often be hard to prove this point, as people power is a metric that’s all too rarely measured. But this is starting to change and HR…

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Revealed – the hidden costs of manual HR administration

By Business, Human Resources, Uncategorized

Manual administration can create many problems for HR, as working with spreadsheets and paper-based systems are cumbersome and difficult. The negative impact of all this labour-intensive administration is most obvious in the amount of time and effort involved in people doing these tasks. This translates into higher costs and missed opportunities i.e. preventing teams from working on more impactful HR initiatives. Yet this is just the tip of the iceberg, as there are a host of unseen costs related to manual HR administration that may be sucking up resources and causing problems without you even realising it. Here are seven…

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