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Natural HR

Two employees happy after their performance management meeting

How to get started with Performance Management

By Performance Management

Much more than just a substitute term for the traditional appraisal process, Performance Management has a far broader scope. In the era of instant feedback – where reviews and ratings govern many of our daily decisions – the annual employee appraisal can be considered antiquated at best. Twelve months is a long time in business, yet many will happily leave it this long to provide any genuine feedback to their staff. This often stunts an employee’s potential, to the detriment of both the individual and the business. An approach which provides ongoing, genuine and consistent support for employee development and…

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5 key compliance challenges for HR teams

5 key compliance challenges for HR teams

By Human Resources

With the workplace now wrapped in perhaps more red tape than ever, HR departments are under increasing pressure to keep their businesses on the right side of the law. Maintaining compliance with ever-changing employment rules and regulations requires HR to keep up-to-date and adapt at pace, or face the prospect of costly fines and even more costly reputational damage. In extreme circumstances, some compliance failures could even become a matter for the criminal courts. Of course, HR has always played a key role in an organisation’s compliance structure. But rarely has the work environment undergone so many legislative changes in…

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The first 90 days_ The challenges faced by new HR leaders

The first 90 days: The challenges faced by new HR leaders

By Human Resources

Over the course of a career in HR, you’ll help many a new starter to find their feet. But every so often, you will be the new starter – and there’re a few learning curves as steep as stepping into a new leadership role. While undoubtedly exciting, your first days, weeks and months as an HR leader will also be full of challenges. You’ll need to overcome the fear factor that can come with joining a new organisation while offering the insight of ‘fresh eyes’ without ruffling too many feathers. It’s all one big balancing act, and one you don’t…

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How to get stakeholders to buy-in to your HR Initiatives

How to get stakeholders to buy-in to your HR Initiatives

By Human Resources

Whether you’re proposing a new wellbeing programme, rewards system or the implementation of HR software, the first step in any new HR initiative is gaining buy-in from your organisation’s key stakeholders. Any significant change to process, policy or platform will inevitably come at a cost, so budgetary sign-off will, of course, need to be achieved. In an ideal world though, you’ll get more than just the financial go-ahead from above. For your new initiatives to really take root in the organisation, you’ll need full backing from your bosses, with senior leaders prepared to support your cause and push your idea…

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How HR can drive innovation in your business

How HR can drive innovation in your business

By Employee Management, HR Software, Leadership

As famous sports coach Lou Holtz once said: “Nothing on earth is standing still – it’s either growing or dying”. This is entirely true in a business context too, where the rapid rate of change means your organisation is either moving forward with the times or falling behind with inevitable consequences. We live in the age of disruption, with countless examples of companies such as Netflix, Airbnb and Uber that have turned established industries on their heads. It’s why, in 2019, a culture of continuous innovation is just about the most important thing an organisation can create. Of course, every…

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