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Natural HR

What Constitutes Bullying in the Workplace?

By Employee Management, Employee Relations

It is estimated that workplace bullying costs almost £18 billion a year in the UK. It’s morally wrong and in some cases illegal. It impacts lives as well as productivity. But what constitutes bullying in the workplace? Bullying and harassment are broadly dealt with by the same legislation in the UK: the Equality Act 2010. Broadly speaking, bullying and harassment are defined as certain behaviours and actions which cause someone to feel either intimidated or offended. They are umbrella terms which cover a wide range of behaviours such as spreading rumours, isolating someone, or making derogatory remarks. It can happen…

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Why is Emotional Intelligence Important?

By Business, Human Resources, Recruitment

Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been a ‘known fact’ for decades. In fact, our perception of its importance predates the coining of the phrase in the 1964 paper by Michael Beldoch. It has had different names – from ‘social intelligence’ to ‘emotional strength’ – but its importance has long been undeniable. In fact, some research states that Emotional Intelligence is responsible for 58% of your job performance and that 90% of top performers have a high EQ. So what is it? And why is Emotional Intelligence important in the workplace? We answer these questions and more below. What is Emotional Intelligence?…

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Annual Leave – 5 Ways to Manage Summer Holiday Requests

By Absence Management, Employee Benefits

The big issue of annual leave requests in the Summer. The summer is finally here, British Summer Time has already begun, and schools and colleges across the country are now on the countdown until the big summer break. That’s great if you work in the academic sector and have an academic calendar, but what about the thousands (if not millions) of businesses who don’t? Annual leave requests for July and August (other than Christmas) significantly increase. Parents juggling childcare are usually first to hand in their requests with many colleagues soon following – simply because it’s summer! So how do…

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What are appraisals and are they important for my business?

By Employee Management, Performance Management

Appraisals and the need for them are currently a hot topic in and around the business world.  Business leaders are questioning the importance of them. HR Managers are validating the need for them. But are appraisals a thing of the past or a necessary business process? Whether you are of the thinking appraisals are a process driven, a form-filling activity that takes away creativity and adds more administrative pressure to managers and HR managers, or you think a standardised appraisal system is key to company performance – the importance to get it right, whatever approach you take is fundamental to success. Even…

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Is it too hot to work? A HR Guide to Working Temperatures & the Law

By Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Employment Law, Health, Health and Safety

It’s hot, summer is finally here and the burning question on everyone’s lips is “Is it too hot to work?” Whether you work in an air-conditioned office, a school, a factory or even outdoors as the temperature rises, so do levels of irritability with everyone thinking the same “Is it too hot to work?” In the UK, according to ” indoor workplace temperatures must be reasonable” but from an HR Manager’s perspective, that’s not clear. Can employees go home if it’s too hot or not? The answer is complicated because legally there is no law for maximum working temperatures….

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