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Natural HR

thomas cook demise

What can HR learn from the demise of Thomas Cook?

By Employee Relations, Employee Wellbeing, Employment Law, Human Resources

This week has seen the collapse of one of the longest standing businesses in the UK: Thomas Cook. Established in 1841, the company that was once the face of the UK high street announced it had entered liquidation with immediate effect shortly after 2am on Monday 23rd September, leaving 9,000 people in the UK without a job. But what can HR professionals learn from the demise of such an historic organisation? Communication is key When times of difficulty arise, the worst thing you can do is keep it under your hat and pretend it isn’t happening. Thomas Cook staff were…

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What is leaveism and how can you combat it?

What is leaveism and how can you combat it?

By Employee Management, Employee Wellbeing, Human Resources

Coined by Dr Ian Hesketh in 2013 to describe the annual leave habits of employees, the term leaveism refers to workers taking annual leave to catch up on their workload or working outside of their contracted hours. Research by the CIPD found that 63% of UK leaders reported that leaveism had occurred in their business. As businesses become increasingly lean, the ‘always on’ culture lends itself to late night emails and employees never really getting the time to switch off away from work. While offices can be a breeding ground for distraction and interruptions, leaveism can be conducive to employees…

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HR employee working our the median of the Gender Pay Gap for her business

The 3 HR Challenges of Gender Pay Gap Reporting

By Business, Legal

As an HR professional, you’ll no doubt be familiar with the 2017 regulations on gender pay gap reporting. Affecting employers with more than 250 staff, it’s a legal requirement for the following figures to be made publicly available: –        Gender pay gap (mean and median averages) –        Gender bonus gap (mean and median averages) –        The proportion of men and women receiving bonuses –        The proportion of men and women in each quartile of the organisation’s pay structure As reported by the BBC in April 2019, 78% of…

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what is agile hr

What is Agile HR – and how to get started

By Culture, Management

Unless you’ve been buried under paperwork for the last decade (entirely plausible in the HR world), you’re bound to be at least vaguely familiar with the concept of ‘Agile’ project management. Agile methodology was the brainchild of software engineers in the 70s and 80s, developed as a way to speed up their development projects. It was founded on the principles of collaboration and iteration – breaking down large, complex projects into shorter work cycles, delivered by multi-functional teams. Agile has since been adopted by all kinds of different industries and is now one of the most widely recognised project management…

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integrated HR and payroll system

What does ‘truly integrated’ HR and payroll really mean?

By HR Software, Payroll

For both HR and payroll professionals, recent years have brought about a significant shift in role.  More and more, HR is expected to deliver added value to the business through analytical and transformational work, rather than solely focusing on people administration.  Payroll departments, meanwhile, have seen their responsibilities grow significantly too, largely thanks to legislation like RTI (Real-Time Information) and auto-enrolment. While some businesses have sought to meet these new-found challenges separately (often outsourcing payroll altogether), more and more organisations now recognise the value in tackling these challenges in parallel, integrating HR and payroll into one single system. Done correctly,…

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