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Natural HR

How flexible working can improve productivity in your organisation

By Business, Human Resources

In the UK, there is widespread distrust of flexible working. Many senior people are suspicious of it – worrying that if they allow employees to work outside the office, it will be a privilege that is abused. In many parts of our working culture, leaders still have issues with trust, accountability and ‘presenteeism’. In short, it is often discouraged because managers and business owners fear it will harm productivity. But this view is not backed up by research. In fact, studies overwhelmingly show that flexible working boosts productivity. For example, a recent HSBC report into the technology sector, one of…

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5 ways HR technology can improve employee productivity

By Employee Management, HR Software, Technology

One of the key tasks facing any HR team is increasing employee productivity, as more productive employees translate into a healthier bottom line. With a productive workforce, you cut time-wasting, improve communication, boost engagement and raise happiness levels across your organisation – resulting in lower costs and higher profits. And there are now a host of tools out there that, when used properly, could result in higher employee productivity. Here are five ways technology can help you get the most out of your workforce: 1. Improve your reward programme Praising and rewarding staff has long been a mainstay of business…

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GDPR: Using legitimate interests as grounds for processing HR data

By Business, Human Resources

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), coming into force very soon, many HR organisations are still confused about their new legal obligations when it comes to collecting, processing and retaining employee data. The new regulation stipulates that a single basis for the lawful processing of employee data needs to be chosen. Up to now, consent has been one of the most commonly relied on grounds for data processing, however, under the GDPR it will be difficult for consent to be freely given and valid for all processing requirements. It will be very hard for an employer to justify a…

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Keeping HR records

GDPR: How long must you keep your HR records?

By Business, Human Resources

The law has always required you to keep HR records. The Data Protection Act (DPA), which governs this area, stipulates statutory retention periods for some records – for example, payroll data, P60s and P45s must be retained for at least six years. But for other areas, such as CVs and interview notes, the DPA lays down no fixed regulation and instead advises that employee personal data should ‘not be kept longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was processed’. So, in many cases, you must use your discretion. There is slightly conflicting guidance on the exact length of…

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What is an HR Business Partner? HR Business Partnering Model Best Practices Explained

By Business, FAQs, Human Resources

06/09/21 Before we get stuck in, it’s important to note that different organisations and individuals see the HR business partner role slightly differently. There is no definition set in stone. However, there are some central tenets, and as the concept of HR business partnerships gains momentum and popularity we are beginning to see a more cohesive understanding. In order to address the question ‘What is an HR business partner?’ we need to look at the function and role of HR and how organisations meet their HR needs. The Fundamentals of an HR Business Partnership Fundamentally, HR business partnering is a…

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