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Natural HR

successful HR software implementation

How to plan for a successful HR software implementation

By HR Software, Implementation

Implementing HR software can feel like a daunting task. From data migration and set up to creating reports and automated workflows; it’s hardly surprising that when buying HR software, a staggering 85% of professionals cited ‘time to implement’ as a hindrance. (, 2019). But implementing new HR software should not be a task to be feared, it poses a huge opportunity for your business to streamline processes, improve employee engagement and consider your approach to data management and security. Research published in Forbes estimates that a staggering 54% of software implementation projects fail due to poor management. Understanding HR software implementation Implementing…

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Using HR Software to Support Your Employees

Using HR software to support your employees H&W

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Safety, Team

Now, more than ever, the health and wellbeing of your workforce is considered one of the most crucial elements towards a successful company and let’s not forget, it’s also morally imperative. After all, happy employees are going to, in turn, be more efficient and productive, so it begs the question:,why aren’t more businesses finding new, innovative ways to enhance their health and wellbeing strategy? According to Mates In Mind, sickness absence costs companies £8.4 billion every year, but presenteeism is a more costly issue, accounting for 1.5 times the cost of absenteeism.  In other words, if your only focus is…

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The true cost of failed hires

The true cost of failed hires

By Employee Management, Management, Recruitment

One of the biggest challenges that continue to haunt many organisations, is the prospect of finding a suitable employee with a driven attitude for success and energy that provides value to the business’ culture.  With this in mind, it will come as no surprise to learn that 46% of all new hires are deemed failures by the time they reach their 18-month milestone. Is this starting to ring any bells?  But even this statistic fails to put into words the impact a poor hire can have on an organisation. The Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) outlined that more than a…

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6 tips for payroll success

6 tips for payroll success

By Payroll, Uncategorized

While processing payroll can be one of the biggest sources of frustration, it is unequivocally one of the most important parts of your business. Your employees are your most valuable asset, and as such, they deserve to be paid correctly and on time. While payroll is often the biggest expense for a company, it can get even pricier when mistakes are made. Making mistakes when running payroll can be costly not only to your employees, but to your business too – both financially and reputationally. Such mistakes might include overpaying or underpaying tax, paying employees late or incorrectly, making incorrect…

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4 ways to optimise performance management

4 ways to optimise performance management

By Employee Management, Performance Management
In today's modern workplace, HR professionals are eager to enhance their performance management strategy to be the key driver for business’ success. After all, a strategy which incorporates the right elements can directly correlate with the productivity of the workforce and most importantly, the profitability of the organisation.  Despite these positive intentions, more than half of managers (58% to be exact) dislike their own company's performance management process and would give it a grade of C or less. Taking this into account, here are 4 ways to optimise your performance management strategy. Reshape traditional performance reviews Out with the old...
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