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Natural HR

Performance development review

What is the best structure for a Performance Development Review (PDR)?

By Employee Management, Personal Development

A Performance Development Review (or PDR for short) is not a new concept. In fact, many HR professionals are starting to discourage their organisations from implementing them, but they do still serve a purpose and are a long way off from becoming extinct. And rightly so, especially in growing businesses. A PDR will help your employees focus on the tasks that contribute towards the overall goal of the business and, they know exactly where they stand in terms of their expectations, performance and job security. PDRs will also provide line managers and HR teams with a paper trail of performance…

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employee is overpaid in salary

What should you do if an employee is overpaid?

By Employment Law, Payroll

What should you do if an employee is overpaid? Even in today’s modern world, payroll still incorporates a huge amount of manual processing each month to ensure that employees are paid on time and to the correct amount. However, occasionally payroll mistakes can lead to employees being overpaid in their wages. It’s important for employers to understand why overpayments may occur and how they can properly claim back any monies in order to prevent legal action and disputes. Throughout this guide, we’ll explore a number of precautions an employer can take If they believe an employee has been overpaid. What…

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The Importance & Benefits of Managing Employee Performance

Employee Performance Management: What Is It & What Are Its Benefits?

By HR Software, Motivation, Performance Management

Last updated 06/11/21 A performance management strategy can ensure your employees’ activities and output are in line with your wider business’ objectives and can be critical to business success and employee productivity. The benefits of an effective performance management strategy include: Highlighting training gaps and where further training is needed. Boosting employee morale and in turn, productivity and performance. Helps identify the right employees for promotion. Improves workforce planning, including managing workloads and delegation. Boost employee retention/reduces employee turnover. Gives employees more autonomy to manage their responsibilities. What is performance management in HR? Defined by the CIPD as “the activities…

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Why should you be using an HR SaaS system?

5 Reasons To Use HR SaaS Software

By HR Software, Software, Technology

The last decade has seen HR technology make a complete u-turn. Legacy HR software that is hosted on-premise and manually updated by clients has become a distant memory, in favour of HR SaaS systems. There’s a reason why the global SaaS HR software market has been estimated at over £11.5bn (, 2019). What is HR SaaS software? HR Software-as-a-Service (or SaaS) is software that users access online via the Internet. Also known as cloud HR software, these solutions mean users don’t need to physically install anything on their computers. Nor is there any need for wildly expensive on-premise infrastructure to…

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How to calculate holiday entitlement for your employees

How to calculate holiday entitlement for your employees

By Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, Holiday entitlement, Holiday Pro-Rata

Calculating holiday entitlement for your employees shouldn’t require a PhD in Advanced Mathematics. So we’ve put together this guide to help calculate annual leave for your full and part-time employees, starters, leavers and shift workers. According to legislation from the UK Government, (almost) all workers who work a 5-day week are entitled to at least 28 days of paid annual leave per year. Equivalent to 5.6 weeks of holiday, employers can opt for a leave year or accrual system when calculating their employees’ holiday entitlement. Below we will explore the UK holiday entitlement system and provide a few handy holiday…

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