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Natural HR


What is outplacement and why should employers consider it?

By Uncategorized

The term ‘outplacement’ was coined back in 1977 by James Challenger, founder of Chicago-based firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas. In short, outplacement is a way for employers to support employees that are leaving. Often provided to employees that have been affected by redundancy, outplacement services can also support those that are retiring, starting their own business or simply moving on to pastures new. While there is no legal obligation to provide outplacement, many employers offer employees a range of support that will help them to navigate the job market and find a new role as quickly as possible. Outplacement can…

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HR Advice

14 experts share their best advice for HR success

By HR News, Uncategorized

The HR department is often the lifeblood of many organisations, and with good reason. With your people often being the largest outlay that a company will incur, the success of your HR team is often reflected in that of the wider business. Long gone are the days when HR was considered to be little more than an administrative function; HR teams are now being recognised as a department that is critical to success. Here at Natural HR, we are lucky enough to work with some of the very best and brightest people in the profession: from our fantastic customers at…

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What is a business continuity plan

What is a business continuity plan and how can HR support it?

By Uncategorized

A business continuity plan (also known as BCP) involves establishing procedures that will keep your business operating as normal after a disaster or unforeseen event has occurred that means typical working practices are changed. For example, workers may be asked to work remotely or to use different tools and processes in order to continue working. It is worth noting that BCP differs from Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) in that DRP is more concerned with restoring normal business operations after a disaster has taken place. In times of crisis, many businesses will be challenged to safeguard and support employees while continuing…

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What is the HASAWA?

What is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?

By Employment Law, FAQs, Health and Safety

Last updated 06/09/21 The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (often referred to as the HASAWA or HSW) is the main piece of UK legislation that details the duties of employers regarding health and safety in the workplace. What is the Health and Safety at Work Act? The Health and Safety at Work Act outlines the legal duties that employers have to protect the health, safety and welfare at work of all of their employees. This also extends to other people visiting the workplace premises such as temporary workers, casual workers, self-employed workers, clients, visitors and the general public….

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Employee Lateness

Dealing with an employee who is always late

By Absence Management, Employee Management

We’re all late from time to time; it is part of life. From being delayed in traffic, broken down cars and even sleeping through an alarm, we’ve all been there! In a survey conducted by the Heathrow Express, employee lateness costs the UK economy around £9 billion a year. Traffic caused by road works (41%) was the leading cause of tardiness, closely followed by public transport delays (29%), unforeseen circumstances (25%), torrid weather (18%), sleeping through an alarm (14%) and leaving something behind (12%). But as an employer, punctual employees that are strong and passionate are critical to productivity as…

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