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5 ways to better manage payroll in your business

5 ways to better manage payroll in your business

By Payroll, Uncategorized

No matter what industry you work in, managing payroll for an increasingly diverse workforce can prove difficult for even the most seasoned of payroll professionals. Staff costs are among the most expensive costs for businesses. As such, managing payroll effectively to ensure employees are paid correctly and on time is important in order to maintain morale and productivity. Payroll can be confusing. From different tax bands and rates of pay to commission payments, bonuses, sick pay and maternity pay; it’s clear that the life of a payroll manager can become increasingly stressful as a business grows and employees more staff….

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How to attract and retain the best talent

How to attract and retain the best talent

By Employee Retention, Recruitment

Enticing candidates away from your competitors, winning them and retaining them can be a significant challenge for HR teams and recruiters. As the workforce demographic changes, businesses must adapt and consider what the next generation finds attractive about a prospective employer. So how can you attract and retain the very best talent? While there is a crossover between the two, let’s look at each individually to help you hone in on strategies to encourage top candidates to pursue a position with you and ensure you keep hold of them.  How do you attract new hires? Businesses need to keep their…

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statutory redundancy pay calculation

How to calculate statutory redundancy pay

By Business, statutory redundancy pay

Whether your business is going through a period of change, you’ve enlisted new ways of working or you’re changing location or closing branches; the ever-changing tides of the economic environment and the very nature of business means that making staff redundant is one of the most frequently used methods by employers to cut costs. Deciding to proceed with redundancies must be a last resort, and all other avenues or solutions must be explored before staff are made redundant. Employees must be selected for redundancy in a fair way. This may be down to their level of experience, skills or ability…

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HR and payroll software: how to present your business case

By HR Software, Payroll

When you’re buying any piece of business software, presenting your business case to your directors, board or senior management team can often feel like half the challenge. As HR and payroll software will directly impact every one of your employees, your case for investment needs to be watertight and should be detailed enough to prove the reasons why you think your chosen provider is right for your business. Below, you will find some key advice and top tips for presenting your business case for investment in HR and payroll software that will stop it feeling like a grilling in Dragon’s Den!…

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What is outplacement and why should employers consider it?

By Uncategorized

The term ‘outplacement’ was coined back in 1977 by James Challenger, founder of Chicago-based firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas. In short, outplacement is a way for employers to support employees that are leaving. Often provided to employees that have been affected by redundancy, outplacement services can also support those that are retiring, starting their own business or simply moving on to pastures new. While there is no legal obligation to provide outplacement, many employers offer employees a range of support that will help them to navigate the job market and find a new role as quickly as possible. Outplacement can…

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