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Sickness absence - mental health in the workplace

Sickness absence: Mental health in the workplace

By Employee Wellbeing, Human Resources

In 2019, research by The Mental Health Foundation uncovered an alarming 70 million working days are lost each year in the workplace due to mental health problems, costing UK employers a staggering £2.4 billion per year. Now, more than ever, mental health issues are a pinnacle talking point in the HR space, and it’s widely supported that these issues are the leading cause of sickness absence. Taking steps towards managing sickness absence with compassion has never been an easy fleet for HR, even more so if recurring patterns suggest an employee is not genuinely suffering. Although a sensitive subject, is…

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How to calculate Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) entitlement

How to calculate Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) entitlement

By Payroll, Statutory Sick Pay

Also known by its acronym SSP, Statutory Sick Pay is the legal minimum that employees are entitled to when they are off sick from work. Paid by employers, Statutory Sick Pay kicks in when an employee is off sick for more than four days in a row. In this post, Natural HR explores Statutory Sick Pay, your employee’s eligibility, how it’s calculated, and how much is SSP per day. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Statutory Sick Pay. Is your employee eligible for Statutory Sick Pay? In order for an employee to qualify for SSP,…

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process payroll in-house

5 reasons why you should process payroll in-house

By Payroll

Making the choice to process payroll in-house or to use an outsourced payroll provider is a big decision. After all, the timely, correct payment of your employees will rest in your (or their!) hands. Recent research by global professional services firm, EY found that there is a growing transition away from fully outsourced payroll services to an in-house operation. With the number of global companies with a fully outsourced payroll function dropping by 7% in just two years; it’s clear that attitudes towards outsourced payroll are rapidly changing in favour of an in-house operation. Further research by YouGov in 2019…

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is payroll finances responsibility

Who Handles Payroll in a Company?

By Finance, HR Software, Human Resources, Payroll

Across most organisations, payroll is undoubtedly a highly valued function, yet one burning question is yet to be unanswered in the minds of HR and finance professionals. This question continues to be a topic of much debate with some people thinking payroll should reside within the HR function, while others believe it should sit within finance. In Deloitte’s recent payroll operations survey, they targeted experienced professionals in a wide range of industries who lead or are directly involved with payroll operations. The companies ranged in size from 1,000 to 50,000 employees tend to have their payroll services lead by finance,…

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2020 UK employment law changes

Three changes to UK employment law due in April you need to know about

By Employment Law

In the last 10 years, the UK has seen the first December General Election since the 1920s, watched countless hours of news coverage on the topic of Brexit and witnessed Larry the cat assume office as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office. Yet the dawn of a new decade heralds some important changes and new additions to UK employment law that come into force in April 2020 including amendments to the Working Time Regulations 1998 and Employment Rights Act 1996. Read on to find out what the law currently states, what changes will come into effect on Monday 6th April…

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