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paternity leave

Is two weeks’ paternity leave enough for new fathers?

By Paternity leave

There has been a big debate around paternity leave for years now as to whether new fathers should be entitled to the same leave as mothers. After all, raising a child is a joint effort. The reality though is very different and the website states that statutory paternity leave consists of ‘taking either one or two weeks. You get the same amount of leave if your partner has multiple births (such as twins). You must take your leave in one go. A week is the same amount of days that you normally work in a week – for example,…

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virtual interview

8 tips to conduct an effective virtual interview

By Recruitment, Technology

For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned our working lives upside down. In April 2020 alone, unemployment claims surged by 70%. As candidates looking for work flood the market, businesses that are actively recruiting have turned to virtual interviews as a means of growing their team safely. What’s the difference between face-to-face and virtual interviews? Interviews are typically a very personal affair between candidates and interviewers. And yet, for recruiters and candidates alike, virtual interviews can seem a little less natural and more casual than in-person interviews. While video interviews occur in real-time and are as similar to…

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Strengthen company culture through times of change

How to sustain and strengthen company culture through times of change

By COVID-19, Culture, Employee Engagement

Since the start of the pandemic, employees from all across the globe have begun transitioning into new ways of working and connecting with their colleagues. However, with abrupt changes comes an even bigger impact on company culture. With HR at the heart of a business’ response to disruption, there will undoubtedly be a new remodelling structure in place to factor in remote working and trimming services while at the forefront of these modifications, comes risk to workforce morale. In response, a positive outlook becomes more crucial than ever before. Maintaining organisational culture and focusing on your values will provide the…

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health and wellbeing in the workplace

14 simple ways to support health and wellbeing in the workplace

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing

Research by mental health charity, Mind found that 60% of employees say they’d feel further motivated and more likely to recommend their organisation as a good place to work if their employer took action to support their health and wellbeing in the workplace. Employee wellbeing describes both the physical and mental states of your team while they are at work. Physical wellbeing in the workplace could involve the temperature in the office, the ergonomics of their chair or their activity level. Mental wellbeing supports issues like stress, depression or anxiety. Given the amount of time employees spend at work, it…

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successful HR software implementation

How to plan for a successful HR software implementation

By HR Software, Implementation

Implementing HR software can feel like a daunting task. From data migration and set up to creating reports and automated workflows; it’s hardly surprising that when buying HR software, a staggering 85% of professionals cited ‘time to implement’ as a hindrance. (, 2019). But implementing new HR software should not be a task to be feared, it poses a huge opportunity for your business to streamline processes, improve employee engagement and consider your approach to data management and security. Research published in Forbes estimates that a staggering 54% of software implementation projects fail due to poor management. Understanding HR software implementation Implementing…

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