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Why is Emotional Intelligence Important?

By Business, Human Resources, Recruitment

Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been a ‘known fact’ for decades. In fact, our perception of its importance predates the coining of the phrase in the 1964 paper by Michael Beldoch. It has had different names – from ‘social intelligence’ to ‘emotional strength’ – but its importance has long been undeniable. In fact, some research states that Emotional Intelligence is responsible for 58% of your job performance and that 90% of top performers have a high EQ. So what is it? And why is Emotional Intelligence important in the workplace? We answer these questions and more below. What is Emotional Intelligence?…

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10 brilliant tips for making the most of a new apprenticeship

By Business, Human Resources

Last year, it was revealed there were 509,400 new apprenticeships started in the UK – a rise of 9,500 over the previous year. Proof, if it were needed, that apprentices are now considered a vital element of modern business. Your business may have already taken on an apprentice. Equally, you might be considering dipping your toes into apprenticeship water for the first time. If you rank among the former and have had a poor experience where the apprentice has been inadvertently under-utilised or poorly sourced, it might have put you off. If you reside within the latter camp, you may…

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10 traits of a successful entrepreneur

By Business

What sets an entrepreneur apart from a ‘normal’ person? What makes them special and gives them the ability to come up with ideas the rest of us look at and say “I wish I’d thought of that”? We could turn to the obvious conclusion; it’s in their genes – they’re born with an innate ability to dream up brilliant ideas that are capable of changing the world, and make them a reality. The truth, however, is rather more encouraging, because it means we’re all capable of becoming entrepreneurs – providing we develop the right mindset and set of habits. In…

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Why annual leave is an intrinsic part of business success

By Business

“Sorry, Dave is not in today – can anyone else help?” So often the bearer of bad news, those immortal words can be frustrating to have to call upon and the resulting customer response nothing more than a pain to deal with. After all, only Dave can deal with the enquiry in question and he doesn’t return from his holiday for another two weeks. What to do? Brush the request off as nothing more than an inconvenience in Dave’s absence or risk using the suggestion that it can wait until he returns, thus leaving the customer query unanswered and in…

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7 reasons people aren’t reading your emails

By Business

How often have you sent an email to a colleague or customer only to wait and wait for a reply that never arrives? If this is a regular occurrence in your working day, you’re doing something wrong. But you’re not alone, so don’t feel too bad – email is woefully misused and misrepresented in business, and we’re all guilty of fanning the flames at some stage.It doesn’t have to be this way Welcome to our ultimate guide that will help you work out why people aren’t reading your emails! 1. They’re way, way too long Back in 2013, the average…

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