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How digital transformation can unlock the true value of HR leadership

How digital transformation can unlock the true value of HR leadership

By Business, HR Software, Human Resources, Management

Needless to say, digital transformation is all about people. It’s easy to think it’s solely tech-focused, and therefore should belong to the savvy Chief Technology Officers (CTO) and their trustworthy IT teams, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it should always fall to them to push the project forward. In truth, it can be up to any individual in the business who can project manage from start to finish – and anyone who is a stakeholder in the value-derived from digital transformation – especially HR teams. Digital transformation might be an incremental change – like the introduction of a new communication…

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statutory redundancy pay calculation

How to calculate statutory redundancy pay

By Business, statutory redundancy pay

Whether your business is going through a period of change, you’ve enlisted new ways of working or you’re changing location or closing branches; the ever-changing tides of the economic environment and the very nature of business means that making staff redundant is one of the most frequently used methods by employers to cut costs. Deciding to proceed with redundancies must be a last resort, and all other avenues or solutions must be explored before staff are made redundant. Employees must be selected for redundancy in a fair way. This may be down to their level of experience, skills or ability…

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HR employee working our the median of the Gender Pay Gap for her business

The 3 HR Challenges of Gender Pay Gap Reporting

By Business, Legal

As an HR professional, you’ll no doubt be familiar with the 2017 regulations on gender pay gap reporting. Affecting employers with more than 250 staff, it’s a legal requirement for the following figures to be made publicly available: –        Gender pay gap (mean and median averages) –        Gender bonus gap (mean and median averages) –        The proportion of men and women receiving bonuses –        The proportion of men and women in each quartile of the organisation’s pay structure As reported by the BBC in April 2019, 78% of…

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Assets placed on table for HR & Finance to boost company's financial success

How Human Resources can boost a company’s financial success

By Business, HR Software, Human Resources

Nothing is accomplished in an organisation without people. And the hub of all things people-related is the HR department, which drives activities – such as hiring, onboarding, leadership development and career improvement – that all have a big effect on the success of an organisation. Therefore, both directly and indirectly, HR influences almost every aspect of a company’s financial performance and can have an impact that is overwhelmingly positive and profitable. Yet it can often be hard to prove this point, as people power is a metric that’s all too rarely measured. But this is starting to change and HR…

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Revealed – the hidden costs of manual HR administration

By Business, Human Resources, Uncategorized

Manual administration can create many problems for HR, as working with spreadsheets and paper-based systems are cumbersome and difficult. The negative impact of all this labour-intensive administration is most obvious in the amount of time and effort involved in people doing these tasks. This translates into higher costs and missed opportunities i.e. preventing teams from working on more impactful HR initiatives. Yet this is just the tip of the iceberg, as there are a host of unseen costs related to manual HR administration that may be sucking up resources and causing problems without you even realising it. Here are seven…

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