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Employee Engagement

diversity in the workplace

Diversity in the Workplace: What is It & Why is It Important?

By Diversity and Inclusion, Employee Engagement, Employee Wellbeing

Last updated 06/09/21 Diversity in the workplace is a common conversation point for business leaders, HR teams and hiring managers. And yet, diversity and inclusion in a workplace shouldn’t just be a box-ticking exercise when hiring, but a vehicle that allows businesses to welcome a wider range of people, from diverse backgrounds to bring value to a business. Having a diverse workforce lends itself to new ideas, new experiences and a significant learning opportunity for your people. These different ideas and perspectives can lead to better problem-solving and ultimately, a more productive and profitable workforce. Research has found that 43%…

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Superscript employee engagement

How Superscript is keeping employees connected: an interview with their people team

By COVID-19, Employee Engagement, Employee Wellbeing

As we come to the end of another week working from home, there is an air of cautious optimism spreading throughout the country. Provisional dates for the reopening of entire sectors have been marked on calendars as we tentatively make plans for the return of some normality. And yet, as we pine for the return of life as we knew it; millions of us are still working from our living rooms, and for some, it is still novel. For those that are new to the world of remote work, those that have started jobs in lockdown or even for the…

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Person analysing employee engagement survey results

The complete guide to employee engagement surveys

By Employee Engagement

If you cast your memory back several years, you’ll remember employee engagement and culture was merely considered a popular topic for HR professionals to debate. Fast forward to the present day, culture and engagement are now presented as a key business issue, with many believing it has recently dominated the HR trend list. In fact, Deloitte Insights found that 87% of organisations cite culture and engagement as one of their top challenges, with 50% of respondents calling the problem “very important”. While improving employee engagement can help build the right path towards a thriving company culture, it’s only one piece…

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Strengthen company culture through times of change

How to sustain and strengthen company culture through times of change

By COVID-19, Culture, Employee Engagement

Since the start of the pandemic, employees from all across the globe have begun transitioning into new ways of working and connecting with their colleagues. However, with abrupt changes comes an even bigger impact on company culture. With HR at the heart of a business’ response to disruption, there will undoubtedly be a new remodelling structure in place to factor in remote working and trimming services while at the forefront of these modifications, comes risk to workforce morale. In response, a positive outlook becomes more crucial than ever before. Maintaining organisational culture and focusing on your values will provide the…

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Cutting HR costs

3 ways to cut HR costs and improve employee engagement

By Employee Engagement

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are under constant pressure to cut costs and improve profitability. For HR departments, this challenge can feel unsurmountable as they are tasked with cutting HR costs, without reducing headcount, and boosting productivity and employee engagement. The phrase ‘cost-cutting’ can be a time of concern for your employees and as such, can be detrimental to engagement if it isn’t handled properly. But it is entirely possible to cut HR costs and boost your employee engagement at the same time. Here’s how: Making the right hires While recruitment is often the first initiative that many businesses…

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