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Natural HR

What company perks do employees look for in 2022?

What company perks do employees look for in 2022?

By Employee Benefits, Employee Engagement, Employee Management

Right now, the job marketplace is highly competitive. In fact, job vacancies in the UK reached record highs this year, with nearly 1.3 million openings available in the first quarter of 2022. And thanks to the pandemic shifting the way people view work; prospective employees are clear about what they want from an organisation. Fair pay is still most important and the driving factor for recruitment – particularly as the cost-of-living continues to rise – however flexible working has become just as crucial to retaining and hiring new staff. But what else do employees value in 2022? What are the…

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How and why to conduct return to work interviews

How and why to conduct return to work interviews

By Employee Management

Employees may miss work for a short or long period of time for a number of reasons. After their absence, return to work interviews are a great, informal way to check in with them.  Some managers and organisations feel that these interviews are tedious and a waste of time. However, conducting these interviews actually present numerous benefits, such as reducing absenteeism in your organisation, picking up any underlying issues and ensuring employees are well enough to return to work.  Now, carrying out these discussions may seem as simple as asking why any employee was absent and if they’re feeling well…

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The Importance & Benefits of Managing Employee Performance

The Importance & Benefits of Managing Employee Performance

By Performance Management

An effective Performance Management strategy can ensure your employees’ activities and output are in line with your wider business objectives and can be critical to business success and employee productivity. The benefits of an effective Performance Management strategy include: Highlighting training gaps and where further training is needed. Boosting employee morale and in turn, productivity and performance. Helps identify the right employees for promotion. Improves workforce planning, including managing workloads and delegation. Boosts employee retention/reduces employee turnover. Gives employees more autonomy to manage their responsibilities. What is Performance Management? Performance Management begins with clear job descriptions and recruitment processes that…

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health and wellbeing in the workplace

Simple Ways To Support Your employee’s Health & Wellbeing

By Employee Wellbeing, Natural HR

Research by mental health charity, Mind found that 60% of employees say they’d feel further motivated and more likely to recommend their organisation as a good place to work if their employer took action to support their health and wellbeing in the workplace. Employee wellbeing describes both the physical and mental states of your team while they are at work. Physical wellbeing in the workplace could involve the temperature in the office, the ergonomics of their chair or their activity level. Mental wellbeing supports issues like stress, depression or anxiety. Given the amount of time employees spend at work, it…

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Should you re-onboard new starters?

Re-onboarding Employees: The Best Way Forward For Employee Effectiveness

By Employee Management

Onboarding is a broad term that captures many of the critical moments from the moment when your new candidate accepts their job offer from your business. Yet despite what COVID-19 has thrown at us, one common theme remains. Onboarding is the process that ensures your new starters are ready for whatever comes at them, whether they’re based at home or in the office. But if your new starter joined your business virtually, and you’re planning on moving back to the office, should you consider re-onboarding them to an extent, or was your initial onboarding enough to support them, and your…

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