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Natural HR

Tips for conducting interviews over Zoom

Tips for conducting interviews over Zoom

By Employee Management, Employee Relations, Employee Retention, Recruitment

With online video platforms such as Zoom, conducting interviews is easier than ever. Not only does this video platform reduce the costs of recruiting new employees, but it also adds increased flexibility and allows organisations to interview candidates from a wider talent pool.  Now, as with any face-to-face interview, recruiters must do adequate preparation to ensure they conduct these online video interviews in a professional manner. This may leave you wondering what preparation you could possibly need to do besides putting together some questions for the candidates.  Well, it turns out there’s a lot you can do. Through this guide,…

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How digital transformation can unlock the true value of HR leadership

How digital transformation can unlock the true value of HR leadership

By Business, HR Software, Human Resources, Management

Needless to say, digital transformation is all about people. It’s easy to think it’s solely tech-focused, and therefore should belong to the savvy Chief Technology Officers (CTO) and their trustworthy IT teams, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it should always fall to them to push the project forward. In truth, it can be up to any individual in the business who can project manage from start to finish – and anyone who is a stakeholder in the value-derived from digital transformation – especially HR teams. Digital transformation might be an incremental change – like the introduction of a new communication…

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Sarah wins prestigious award at COBBA22

Sarah wins prestigious award at COBBA22

By Events, News

What an incredible night – and surprise – for our COO and co-founder, Sarah Dowzell, who attended the City of Birmingham Business Awards (COBBA22) and was presented with the Chair’s Award. Over 300 people gathered at The Park Regis Hotel to recognise the area’s array of exciting entrepreneurs. Of those in attendance was our very own Sarah who initially thought she was going there with fellow business peers to acknowledge the city’s brightest talent. With no idea she’d been nominated by Kim Leary, the regional Chair of Downtown in Business, the evening ended in a way she never expected… “I…

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Does a small business require HR?

Does a small business require HR?

By HR Software

Human resource management is an incredibly useful tool for organising, managing, training and compensating employees. However, small businesses tend to have fewer employees and smaller budgets. So do they still need HR? In this post, Natural HR will answer all your questions about small business HR. From legal requirements to how many employees justify an HR department, all the information you need is below. Is it a legal requirement to have an HR department? No, in the UK, you can choose whether or not you have an HR department or HR manager. If you do not have an HR department,…

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What causes employee absenteeism?

What causes employee absenteeism?

By Absence Management

Employee absenteeism can be a tricky situation to navigate. Employees may have very legitimate reasons for being absent, or they may have somewhat lacking rationales. How do you know which is which, and how do you respond? Our HR experts have put together this guide to help you navigate through absenteeism. Keep reading to find out what absenteeism is, its effect on the workplace, how to handle it within your organisation, and how to reduce absenteeism. What is work absenteeism? Of course, all employees are away from work for portions of the year, whether for a holiday, maternity or paternity…

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