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Is it too hot to work? A HR Guide to Working Temperatures & the Law

By Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Employment Law, Health, Health and Safety

It’s hot, summer is finally here and the burning question on everyone’s lips is “Is it too hot to work?” Whether you work in an air-conditioned office, a school, a factory or even outdoors as the temperature rises, so do levels of irritability with everyone thinking the same “Is it too hot to work?” In the UK, according to ” indoor workplace temperatures must be reasonable” but from an HR Manager’s perspective, that’s not clear. Can employees go home if it’s too hot or not? The answer is complicated because legally there is no law for maximum working temperatures….

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How to Keep Staff Motivated and Cool During a Heatwave – Our Top 5 Tips

By Culture, Employee Engagement, Employee Wellbeing

Summer is finally here, the sun is out, the nights are long and everyone is happier – right? Well not everyone, especially employees battling long commutes on overcrowded stuffy trains and sitting in warm offices 9-5 dreaming of the weekend and it’s only Monday. So how can you keep staff motivated and cool during a heatwave without giving them the summer off? 1) Be flexible If your office is based in the city centre and your staff need to navigate public transport during busy periods, consider operating a flexible work arrangement to allow staff to start early (or late) to…

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10 brilliant tips for making the most of a new apprenticeship

By Business, Human Resources

Last year, it was revealed there were 509,400 new apprenticeships started in the UK – a rise of 9,500 over the previous year. Proof, if it were needed, that apprentices are now considered a vital element of modern business. Your business may have already taken on an apprentice. Equally, you might be considering dipping your toes into apprenticeship water for the first time. If you rank among the former and have had a poor experience where the apprentice has been inadvertently under-utilised or poorly sourced, it might have put you off. If you reside within the latter camp, you may…

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The pros and cons of wearables in the workplace

By Technology

According to research, one in six consumers currently owns and uses wearable technology. It’s why the sight of people paying for goods with their smartwatches and tracking calorie burns on the treadmill with flicks of the wrist are becoming everyday sights. Wearable technology hasn’t enjoyed the healthiest of upbringings, either, which makes their growing prevalence in society even more surprising. Remember Google Glass? The search giant’s take on facial wearable technology was announced in 2012, but despite the inevitable fanfare it received, Glass was subjected to a great deal of criticism and ultimately Google announced that it would stop producing…

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Losing staff? Here’s 8 ways to retain your best people

By Employee Management

Losing Staff? Here’s How to Retain Employees Recruiting new staff is a long, expensive process, which is why whenever you lose a member of the team, the repercussions are felt far and wide. Worse still, if you go through a spate of resignations, the overall morale among those left may take a serious hit, threatening productivity and potentially turning the swift exit of a few into a mass exodus. To build a strong, healthy business that is capable of growth and constant improvement, you need to retain staff. In particular, the top talent you’ve spent years nurturing or significant recruitment…

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