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8 tips for improving your work ethic

By Personal Development

We’ve all been there. That feeling of really, really not wanting to go into the office of a morning. It cripples productivity, raises stress levels and makes us unhappy. What does a poor work ethic mean? Unless it stems from deeper issues, the feeling of not wanting to go to work is often the result of a poor work ethic. If you’ve experienced it yourself recently, that doesn’t make you a bad person or employee – a poor work ethic usually arrives subconsciously and is something you’ll have little control over or forewarning of its impending arrival. Thankfully, there are…

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How to deal will employees who complain about pay

By Employee Management

Ask any manager which task fills them with the most dread, and it’s likely to be that of addressing an employees’ complaints about their pay. The reason is simple. Salary is an incredibly emotive topic in the workplace, and as soon as someone thinks they’re being underpaid, they’re likely to make a beeline for their manager. If that manager happens to be you, knowing how to deal with such encounters will ensure the issue doesn’t become any more significant than it needs to be. Word spreads quickly in businesses, therefore it’s important that you address instances of employee disgruntlement related…

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How to be the best manager: motivating your team

By Leadership, Management

Imagine being able to simply walk into a room and instantly inspire people to do their best work. Unfortunately, few of us have that kind of aura. There appears to be only a select few genes that are capable of producing bonafide, natural-born leaders, which means the rest of us have to work hard to become great managers. At the heart of great management lies the ability to motivate, because motivation is the one thing that will spur teams on to do their best work and be as productive as possible. Again, the ability to be a great motivator doesn’t…

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What is a timesheet?


A timesheet is a record of the amount of time an employee has spent at work, on a particular job, project or working for a specific client. This information could be recorded on paper, a spreadsheet or in a cloud software system such as our timesheet module. By keeping track of the time an employee starts and finishes work, as well as any breaks they have taken, a timesheet can be used to calculate the employee’s pay for the day, week or month. As project-based work has become more commonplace, timesheets aren’t just used to calculate payroll. Project or client based…

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10 traits of a successful entrepreneur

By Business

What sets an entrepreneur apart from a ‘normal’ person? What makes them special and gives them the ability to come up with ideas the rest of us look at and say “I wish I’d thought of that”? We could turn to the obvious conclusion; it’s in their genes – they’re born with an innate ability to dream up brilliant ideas that are capable of changing the world, and make them a reality. The truth, however, is rather more encouraging, because it means we’re all capable of becoming entrepreneurs – providing we develop the right mindset and set of habits. In…

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