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Human Resources

What is an HR Business Partner? HR Business Partnering Model Best Practices Explained

By Business, FAQs, Human Resources

06/09/21 Before we get stuck in, it’s important to note that different organisations and individuals see the HR business partner role slightly differently. There is no definition set in stone. However, there are some central tenets, and as the concept of HR business partnerships gains momentum and popularity we are beginning to see a more cohesive understanding. In order to address the question ‘What is an HR business partner?’ we need to look at the function and role of HR and how organisations meet their HR needs. The Fundamentals of an HR Business Partnership Fundamentally, HR business partnering is a…

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Why is Emotional Intelligence Important?

By Business, Human Resources, Recruitment

Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been a ‘known fact’ for decades. In fact, our perception of its importance predates the coining of the phrase in the 1964 paper by Michael Beldoch. It has had different names – from ‘social intelligence’ to ‘emotional strength’ – but its importance has long been undeniable. In fact, some research states that Emotional Intelligence is responsible for 58% of your job performance and that 90% of top performers have a high EQ. So what is it? And why is Emotional Intelligence important in the workplace? We answer these questions and more below. What is Emotional Intelligence?…

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10 brilliant tips for making the most of a new apprenticeship

By Business, Human Resources

Last year, it was revealed there were 509,400 new apprenticeships started in the UK – a rise of 9,500 over the previous year. Proof, if it were needed, that apprentices are now considered a vital element of modern business. Your business may have already taken on an apprentice. Equally, you might be considering dipping your toes into apprenticeship water for the first time. If you rank among the former and have had a poor experience where the apprentice has been inadvertently under-utilised or poorly sourced, it might have put you off. If you reside within the latter camp, you may…

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5 ways to create an employee on-boarding process everyone will love

By Human Resources, Recruitment

If you work in HR, you’ll have been on both sides of the on-boarding fence. You’ve been hired and done the hiring, but you’ll know that, depending on the business for which you work, neither scenario can be a particularly nice place to be. Think of the new jobs you’ve started where you were thrust into a room full of people you’d never met before, plonked at your desk, given a couple of manuals relating to the tools you’ll be using and left to work it all out for yourself. Wasn’t much fun, was it? Now consider those new hires…

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A guide to most common workplace HR issues and how to deal with them

By Human Resources

No one said HR would be easy, did they? Certainly, if you work within human resources, you’ll know that every day throws up a new challenge – something you’re yet to deal with but which takes up an inordinate amount of your time. As a result, deadlines are missed, and that ever-growing to-do list keeps… well, growing. There’s always something else screaming for your attention, making each day feel like a constant battle against productivity. While there’ll always be strange, unusual issues that crop up, there are many common workplace problems that every person operating within a human resources department…

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