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Talent Management

What are the common problems in performance appraisals?

What are the common problems in performance appraisals?

By Employee Engagement, Employee Management, Talent Management

Performance appraisals play a crucial role in any organisation and present a host of benefits for employers and employees alike. However, there are numerous problems that can arise from these reviews, leading to more harm than good.  To prevent you from falling into the same traps as other organisations, we’ve laid down all the common issues that arise from poor performance appraisals, mistakes managers commonly make as well as ways to avoid this.  What are the common problems in performance appraisal? There are numerous issues that can arise from or during performance appraisals, many of which are related to our…

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recruitment challenges

The 3 biggest challenges facing recruitment and talent teams today

By Recruitment, Talent Management

The state of the current global labour market is making it increasingly difficult to find the right candidates to fill open vacancies and close skill gaps. The perfect storm of the pandemic and Brexit is making the labour market progressively more complex, making recruitment teams’ jobs harder than ever before. Data from the Office for National Statistics reported that from July to September 2021, the estimated number of vacancies recorded was at its highest level since records began. With industries including transport and storage, accommodation and food service, and manufacturing reporting vast surges in the number of open positions, labour…

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developing a talent strategy

Developing a talent strategy: 5 tips for success

By Talent Management

The CIPD defines talent management as a process that seeks “to attract, identify, develop, engage, retain and deploy individuals who are considered particularly valuable to an organisation.” The current state of the UK talent market is making the lives of recruiters and hiring managers more challenging than ever before – especially in deeply affected industries such as logistics, hospitality and health care. Many industries have sorely felt the impact of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, but as businesses seek a return to pre-pandemic levels of operation, record numbers of vacancies continue to go unfilled. What’s more, a dip in business…

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