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Human Resources

10 questions to ask in an HR software demo

10 questions to ask in an HR software demo

By HR Software, Human Resources, Software

You’ve taken the plunge and are finally ready to choose an HR platform to better manage your people. But in a competitive market, how are you going to identify the best option for your company? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back, with 10 questions you need to ask in an HR software demo. What is the history behind the business? This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s important to get to know the company you’re considering. Details like when it was set up and why, the experience of key stakeholders, and how many clients it has can all…

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employee health and wellbeing

Employee health and wellbeing: a Q&A with the CEO and Co-Founder of Heka

By Employee Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, Human Resources

The future of employee health and wellbeing 2020/1: some of the most turbulent years in this generation’s history. However, hopeful HR leaders began 2022 seeking calmer waters for their profession, their businesses and importantly, their people. While the world of work has undoubtedly changed for good, the people profession has had to evolve too. As businesses the world over experienced seismic shifts in perspective and priorities, HR teams led the charge in championing the human element of work to effectively balance productivity with employee engagement, satisfaction and happiness at a time that saw us more separated than ever. As how…

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future of work

Ask an expert: The future of work according to Kate Marston

By Culture, Human Resources

After one of the most turbulent years in this generation’s history, hopeful HR leaders embarked on a journey in 2021 seeking calmer waters for their profession, their businesses and importantly, their people. While the world of work changed for good, the people profession had to evolve too. As businesses the world over experienced seismic shifts in perspective and priorities, HR teams led the charge in championing the human element of work to effectively balance productivity with employee engagement, satisfaction and happiness at a time that saw us more separated than ever. 2021 was a whirlwind for HR. It’s fair to…

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future of HR

3 ways to prepare for the future of HR

By HR Software, Human Resources, Technology

The traditional HR department was largely a by-product of years gone by. Think factories needing supervisors to ensure performance standards, the birth of trade and labour unions demanding employee welfare and the surge in legislation protecting all workers; the role of HR has, for the most part, remained relatively stable for decades. And yet, the events of the last two years have turned the people profession on its head. As HR and leaders navigated the overnight transition to remote work, digitisation of the department was taken off the back burner and brought to the force. In this digital age, HR…

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what should HR teams do about christmas leave

Everybody wants to book time off simultaneously over the Christmas period – what should HR teams do?

By Employee Wellbeing, Holiday entitlement, Holiday Pro-Rata, HR Software, Human Resources, Natural HR
Whether it's to buy Christmas presents for the family, go to their children's school play, or they simply want to use up the remainder of their annual leave, almost everyone within a business wants some time off during the Christmas period. Naturally, those within HR need to manage these multiple requests so that during the festive period, your company can still operate, even with the increase in annual leave requests. In this blog post, we're going to look at the most straightforward ways HR teams can ensure that dissatisfaction doesn't set in within your employees when it comes to spreading...
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